
From The Beyond Tags: From The Beyond


I have but the moment and time to move slow I felt from beyond the time the time that was gone. From beyond the time passed, the future was there and not going back from my never now fear, I looked to the future to make it all clear. It was the belief in oneself that fought only fear that brought me back to the realm and made every thing clear. The clearer it was the faster it grew and the life that I known and the people I knew move beyond distant they where now in the past and the whole world around me wouldn't' ever come back. I was gone to the after before the true end I had but one notion one message to send. I am here to tell you the secret of life don't ever look back and wonder the right or the wrong cause when you look back at your life it's to strong of a feeling of moral regrets and feelings of empty things that where there that just couldn't be and the thought that somewhere somebody would be judging all me. I came to the conclusion no matter the who  I just couldn't believe the things you could do and the things that you couldn't believe in your soul that people are real wherever you go.

Can be me or can be you. Either or myself or yourself you relate to this story any way you want. Tags: metaphorically speakings



I was walking to the igloo when I saw her. She was a beautiful figure standing in the dawn sun. I loved her for the moment with my eyes and knew that the time passed even more slowly than I could have imagined. We where together for only a months time but I knew who she was more than I knew anybody of this planet I had met before. I told her things about myself I wouldn't share with my own soul. I felt her presence deep and strong and I knew from her own thoughts relayed through her tones and her expressions that she knew who I was more than I could ever have told her. To me she was the person that I couldn't ever have found but she was there some how and I could never have thanked him enough for what he had given me. A gift of the person who was a person I could never let go for even the thought of losing that person was to much to bare.

To this very day when I see her I feel like the two of us bonded in a way nobody could. If they ever felt what the two of us felt then they would know why I love her and the two of us part just wouldn't ever come. As strong as it was the bond could never be broken not by life not by death as god has thus spoken.

Time Warp Parody

Lets look to tomorrow and tomorrow we'll look to today. When where all done looking we'll wonder what day was which cause looking to another day from another day I'm pretty sure can cause those days to switch and switching days is serious business. It can cause a time warp parody when you do so be careful. However if you do cause a time warp parody there is only one way to stop it. You need a ouija board a watch and the gumption to do this. What you do is stand on your head and have some body place the ouija board on your feet and time yourself while communicating with the dead. If you have at least a three hour conversation with a dead person they can tell you how to stop it. Got to be at least three hours as it is a lot of information. You must also be alone during the conversation. Like I said its a lot of information so you need to take notes. If you fall off your head during the conversation you have to recontact the spirit. It can not be another spirit must be the very same spirit.


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