
NASA rover Curiosity drills into Martian rock
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Tags: NASA rover Curiosity drills into Martian rock


The hole in a rock called For the first time, NASA's rover Curiosity used its on-board drill to collect a sample of Martian bedrock that might offer evidence of a long-gone wet environment, the U.S. space agency reported on Saturday. Drilling down 2.5 inches into a patch of sedimentary bedrock, Curiosity collected the rock powder left by the drill and will analyze it using its own laboratory instruments, NASA said in a statement. This is the first time a robot has drilled to collect a Martian sample. Images of the hole, along with a shallower test hole nearby, can be seen at http://www.jpl.nasa. ...

The Rainbow.
Category: Poetry
Triumphal arch, that fills the sky When storms prepare to part, I ask not proud Philosophy To teach me what thou art.

Still seem, as to my childhood's sight, A midway station given, For happy spirits to alight, Betwixt the earth and heaven.

The Butterfly and the Bee.
Category: Poetry
Methought I heard a butterfly Say to a labouring bee: "Thou hast no colours of the sky On painted wings like me."
"Poor child of vanity! those dyes, And colours bright and rare," With mild reproof, the bee replies, "Are all beneath my care.

"Content I toil from morn to eve, And scorning idleness, To tribes of gaudy sloth I leave The vanity of dress."


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