
Small Town

I was born in a small town. People called it Small Town. Why I was there I learned a lot. I learned that people from small towns talk a lot of shit. If there was shit being talked and there always was it was usually about one of the town drunks. They musta been the usual topic of conversation for a reason. One of those reasons was because they where drunk. Drunk people do funny shit. Some of the funny shit drunk people do is fall over and in this town if a drunk fell over it was all over town. I fell over and people thought I was drunk next thing you know I'm the town drunk. People everywhere where like he is a drunk but I didn't drink all I did was fall over and I did that shit sober.

Drunk 1

Well I ah thought about life and I had an idea I'lll quit my job and I'll start drinking beer. Don't remeber the rest but some how I ended up here. Ya I'm a hopeless fanatic and I'm fanatically drunk. Don't ask me to quit sorry I won't. If I can't do this gig drunk sorry I quit this must be a job for drunken dam man out there somewhere.


Got to the party and I knew it was true this is the party of all parties I'm telling you dudes. So many partiers partying so totally partying all partied up falling over drunk and that kinda stuff. I came to the party to get partied myself and with so many others I was having my doubts.The doubt was what for liquor was gonna be left. I wasn't sure I'd get drunk but figured I'd try my best. So I did and accomplished my goal now I'm at the computer all drunken writing this post. Ye HA!!


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