
Don't Let Your Guard Down

To many torpedos have sunk to many ships. I know how it feels to be torpedoed. It has happened to me to many times. Once when I was sailing along minding my business wham! bam! out of no where comes torpedo number one. While I was getting my bearings slam! Torpedo number to hits. Devastated I looked for an avenue of escape but there was none. My only recourse was to go on the offensive. I plowed towards the other ship guns blazing budalam! budalam! budalam! The other ship retreating victory in my grasp the fourth torpedo hit, bam!, slam! my battle ship was sunk and I kinda thunk never again will I let my guard down.

Please Don't Go
Category: Poetry

Your going away. Please I don't want you to go. Just stay here with me never leave no. To many a people have come and then gone. If you have to leave me I'll try to be strong but I'm asking you please don't ever go. Stay here forever with me baby doll. Forevers a dream I probably know though cause eventually baby we both have to go. Sorry to leave and so fucking sad and this ridiculous life makes me so fucking mad.

Detramental Health

People come to me and they quiver. I know the reason. There afraid. Ya and I'd be afraid too cause my detramental health could be the end of you fool.


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