
Craigslist Is For Losers

Craigslist is for losers. I believe in old time advertising. That is I stand outside of my house on the street corner ringing a cowbell and shouting at the neighbors. Its very successful marketing strategy people often buy my shit just to shut me up. I just feel on Craigslist its to easy to be ignored.

Cooler Than Cool

People come to me to ask what did you do yesterday? My answer. I did what I always dam do. Just hung around the house being cooler than cool. Wanna know what that means? Drop by my house and I'll show you.

Cool Class

If you wanna be cool this class is for you. We will work on talking walking and winking. I'm the professor on cool and this class I profess is the best class. For those of you that think your already cool after this class you will admit you didn't know what cool was. I'm the Mack daddy of coolness, i guarantee it. I also teach clown school. So if you wanna be a cool clown start here and end there.


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