In a world of residual residuals there is a component that resides that can forthwittingly resemble a complacent complacement of prostuity. There will be no gains and no loss for long periods of times and then all those gains that seemed non-existant wil appear in the underlying balance. As that happens people will start to scrambble to buy up such a commodity. This will result in even further gains. If you are the holder of a residual residual do not let it go until you absolutely feel the need to do so as these commodities can result in some very large gains. You will see over time how this plays out. Starting with even a small residual can be very beneficial in periods of time that that residual becomes sought after. If you do have a residual that is highly sought after do becareful when you do decide to dispose of it as people wil stop at nothing to take advantage of your naïvety.
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