Bling King Blogs
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If you remove reality from peoples perception of themselves if you let them believe anything they want about who they are then they will start to believe things about themselves that aren't real. One of those things they will come to believe is that they are powerful beyond belief. Why is it that people come to believe this? One of the reasons people will believe they have power is they have seen what power can do and they will wish they had power so in their own mind they will come to believe that they themsleves are powerful.
Train ride we where taking places to go if we ever got anywhere I don't even know. I rhode the train always I never thought much but at the end of the journey when I was about to get off, I looked at the past and the stuff we'd been through and to tell you the truth I always dam knew the end of the end was upon us at last and with one final whistle I moved on from the past.
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