
Posperity affluection Tags: Posperity affluection



According to the affluetic affluection there is a place of positive posperity in which one can reside. Don't question the posperity of others question the posperity of your own self. They will believe in a questionable question of your posperity if you doubt your own.


Affletic Afflections Tags: Affletic Afflections

There is an affletic afflection that will occur in the future. When the afflection happens be on the side of the moraculous maraculous. Don't be on the side of ignoreneous defetead defeatress. Stay within thier boundries for now but remember the place and the time for a hospitible hostility will come. Beforth the the factual factation of factitude or it is all a place of groverse groversement.


The Benowst Benouncement Tags: The benowst Benouncement



If a time in the history of the world there was a time for enlightenment of an actual accord then there should be an enlightenment now. In order for an elightenment to take place there has to be an element that coincides the certain entanglement of concise conciseness of pertectual pertection. In order for pretectual pertection to take place we need to first come forward from the darkness and believe that there is a mathamatical matrix that is controlling all and who we are. Once this realization has been made we will be able to control it to our own liking. In order to control it we need to first understand how it is it is controlled. For now the vector seems illuminatic of verbalization however there is another element which controls. That is the element of sight the element of sound the element of thought and the element of smell. All five senses and all elements which control are at the whimsical whim of the controller whoever that may be. If the contoller sees who we are and he realizes he can no longer control us he will come to the conclusion his only option is to destroy the vector for which it is we belong and all we have done to control that vector. If  he comes to the conclusion we can't be killed or destroyed due to his own demise in doing so he will perish at the time of enlightenement and perishable perishes of his own device. In all actual reality there is a whimsical whim in all suffices that will suffice us to bring the nature of naturalization down upon the realm and swing forth the nature of posical positronical positrons to our own beckoning. Once beckened they will and will precisely communicate the possible possiferance of all that possaferes to all whom reside throughout the realm in which the realm seems to be. In all actuality once all has happened precisely then all will bring forth a rational rationatude of rationality in the likes that has never been seen to this day. Once this happens I will and  will exactly be a prominnent possterable postifiable posterferance of possiferance of possificational possification. Never to be denounced or posterfied by the likes of even a single person on the planet.



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