
A bad fire
Category: Stories

    There was a man walking through the fire. He seemed preoccupied as if something other than the fire had his immediate attention. The flames licked at him and he struggled to keep his compusure under the intense heat. He trudged forward in utter disbelief as to what was happening. The house was on fire and he had to put it out and put it out now. He could hear people screaming for him not to enter the inferno but he paid them no mind. He was a man on a mission. He ran to the faucets but nothing came out. Bewildered he stared at the outlet in disbelief. Dam he thought the pipes must have melted. I can't believe this is happening thought the man and then it came to him. The intake for the establishment was located in the basement he was sure to be able to draw water there. He trudged through the debis that littered the floor and made his way to the stairs. He rushed down the flight of stairs and ran to where water came into the house. With all his might he renched opn the nozzle and was relieved when water gushed into the room. I have done it he thought I have started a steady gush of water that would keep the house from burning to the ground now he thought how to direct it. He searched for a hose but there was none. He was out of answers. Sudenly it came to him in the garaghe was a hose. He rushed up the stairs and threw open the door to the garage. There was a loud explosion and everything went black.

The virtual virtuality

virtually the virtual virtality is a virtual virtuality that can be changed. Uttered the words of proponderess propnderance will bring about the change in virtual virtuality to my liking.  In the aftermath there will be no proponentness of pronents to whom shall attest my attestments. All shall relinquish thier utter disbelief and beckon thier commandments. All for whom the realm is known to have looked upon it as a blessing and wait for the command in glee.


This is the day of all days.


Together we looked at the day that has passed. We been here before lets never look back but we always look back there was nothing to do the day was the day of all days of all days. Nothing had happened the day was so slow we laid around looking into ourselves. Who the heck where we neither one knew until we together discovered the who was the who. I'm me your you but together we know which one of us was which way and how. I was the me and you was the you and together we found out which one of us through out the notion that we where the which inside one of us the other one gives into the other and vice versa because neither one of us knew the other ones side. I knew my side and now i knew yours we both had a side and inside of ourselves we felt like our side was the righteous side. My side was right your side was wrong and after the inquisical inquasical I knew we where both right in ouselves but together we weren't right we where somebody else.





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