
Metaphorical Speakings
The new life. Tags: The new life.

There wasn't any chance of survival. Death was imminant and I was looking at the for front of a new beginning. Excitement coursed through my mind and I felt rejuvinated with a vigor I hadn't felt in all of my years. As I passed through the realm of the living to the realm of the deceased I realized I was still alive. There was something there but it wasn't the world I was used to. I looked upon the new world as if it was going to be something that would last but it was not to be. Everything went black and then there was a bright light. I awoke in a place that was unrecognizable. There where beings there but they weren't human. I soon realized I was one of them. I had taken on a new cellestial body and a new persona. I know longer even felt like myself. I knew who I was but I didn't even think the same. My thoughts came diffrently but they where still understandable. It wasn't a new language that made them seem foreighn but it was the fact that I would think them at all.  In my former life I never thought like this and I had completely diffrent feelings about those thoughts. What was this and what had I become. A new persona a new body and an entirely new life. I couldn't wait to get started to see what adventures would be bestowed upon me throughout.

Don't despair Tags: Don't despair

Don't despair cause everything that happens happens for a reason. If you look at life as a place of time and a series of events you will realize that through time events have to happen. There is no person who doesn't have events good and bad throughout their life. If you look at somebody who always seems happy and wonder how it is that they seem to have such a wonderful life I would look at all the events taking place in their life and wonder how it is these events have transpired. You will come to the realization that nobody has the perfect sequence of events throughout their life but some people can handle things on different levels. I think people who mange best are the ones that seem indifferent to the events that have transpired. Taking an unattached view of your world and things around you seems to be the most effective way for staying happy.

A place in time. Tags: A place in time.

There was a place in time when the truth was present. That time has passed and the time for the truth to become present again is upon us. No more waiting. People wonder the real reason for everything in reality to have come to the point it is at. The truth is that the need for all that is here to be the way it is has been a lie. There is no need for the world to be the way it is but people don't realize cause they can't see the world for what it is. The world has become a cold dark place where only the strong live in prosperity. They look to the weak as if it is there own fault for there short comings. They point the finger and lie about the reasons the poor and weak have so little. They act like their success has been earned by hard work and shear determination. This all is a lie. They have taken the resources of the earth and put claim to all that it bears. If you ask for resources they insist that they can't allow you to have the resources cause they haven't been earned. The earth resources aren't for the minority of the people of the world to own and dole out as they seem fit the earth belongs to everybody and all the people should have an equal share. If you tell this to the people who live in abundance they will lie. They would say this can never happen or it just wouldn't work. They say this because they aren't willing to give up their own wealth even though their is plenty to go around. I hope eventually they look at themselves for who they are for they are greedy and very selfish. It pains me to say this but we have been duped by the world governments and the lies they have told us. They favor the wealthy and the minority why they lie and say they are for the majority of the people. I'm sorry but this is a very sad occurrence. I hope you find it in your heart to forgive them as I will. I can forgive almost anything but I can only forgive them after they have paid their penance and repent.



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