
Tagged with "To"
The story Jesus and Judah Tags: The story Jesus and Judah



If you want to understand the true meaning of life you have to look to the story of Judah and Jesus. Judah was a baptist and Jesus was a jew. Jesus looked at Judah and said how about you baptise me. Judah looked at Jesus and said "for what reason?" Jesus replied back "So I can understand you and your customs." Judah baptised Jesus and said "you are now one of us." Jesus said "thank you Judah but you have always been one of my people and always will be." Judah replied "but I'm not a jew" and Jesus replied "you be anybody you wish to be, Judah and remain in the house of the Lord for all your days". and so he did with his people and their people and all people who would do Gods will. Judah wa suprised at Jesus when Jesus said this and he said "why would you want me" and Jesus said "because a friend of my fathers is a friend of mine" and Judah said "but I don't know your Father" and Jesus said "of course you do" and Judah said "but I have never met him and Jesus said you have Judah you just don't remember". "Where can I find him?" asked Judah and Jesus said "he is among us" and Judah looked around and said "which one? and Jesus replied "well all of them for they where all created in the image of my father." "In what way?" asked Judah. "In very very many ways" said Jesus. "I see" said Judah. "So your father looked like us?" "He looked diffrent but he felt the same way as all the people feel." "With love in his heart for each and every person on the earth." "Even the bad? said Judah. "Yes even them" replied Jesus. "Why?" asked Judah. "Because they no not the error of their ways." "Then we shall tell them" said Judah. "and so we shall" replied Jesus and to this day they are trying to instruct. God bless them and their lofty goals to bring peace on earth and good will towards men. For it is with their guidance that we set forth on a journey that nobody on earth really understands but in their eyes their can be no wrong only the people of the Lord to share with us their lives and stories as we travel throughout our own.


The future is cut in stone Tags: The future is cut in stone

They knew the where, what and the who they just didn't know the how. Eventually the how will be revealed to them. They will marvel at my magnificance for a very long time. Don't gander to long at the inevatible for the past is the past and the future is cut in stone.


There was a place in time that time stopped looked and progressed Tags: There was a place in time that time stopped looked and progressed



There was a place in time that time stopped looked and progressed. They would say well how could that happen but I know it did. How did time look at itself? It looked by imagining the concoction of dillusion and what has been dilluded. In order to have a dillusion of time you have to have a paradox of the norm. A paradox is created when two things can be distingushly happening at diffent locations but at the same time. It is a place where the road divides it self and either path can lead to diffrent places in time. This is how the universe works. Make one decision it sets off a change in events that lead to one point in time, make a diffrent decision it will lead you someplace diffrent in time. By looking at these locations one can confidently say that you will end up in either location depending on your decesion. Once you have travelled to your destination another decision will present itself to you further progressing you forward and so on and so on. In order for time to stop you have to make no decisions and sit in one place with absolutely nothing happening. As impossible as this seems it could happen if all the world was to come to an end. If the world comes to an end and all life has ceased to exist time has in all retrospect come to a halt. When this happens time will look at itself and have to make a decision of it's own. This decision will be to resume it's existence and recreate another space time continium that will support life or whether to remain irrelevant. I doubt time will want to remain irrelevant so time will look at itself and recreate another world in which time can control the events which will take place. In order for time to do this time will have to change the events in time by adding something somehow to the realm in which it controls. The one thing time needs to set forth a new beginning is the one thing time needed in the past. The only thing needed is a beginning and an end. To begin time will add to the realm a start of life. A simple seed a molecule that will progress and evolve beyond the greatest imagination of even the greatest minds to ever exist. To have an end time only needs something to bring to an end the existance of all the seeds that have been set forth by the one seed time introduced. But why would time do this? The reason is beyond the understanding of the minds of this realm and we will likely never know the reason. All we can do is accept that this is time and time is beyond the comparison of anything we have ever imagined. To understand time you have to understand the actual creation of all which is known to man and for that to happen you would have to become a billion times smarter than we already are. To become a billion times smarter we would have to recreate our own brains to the point of all the brain power and all the computer power ever known to man and although this seems possible I highly doubt that it is. The reason I don't think it's possible is because the laws of the universe won't allow it due to the fact that if you ever where to get that smart you would be smarter than even the being who created the realm in which we live.


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