
Tagged with "f"
The new life. Tags: The new life.

There wasn't any chance of survival. Death was imminant and I was looking at the for front of a new beginning. Excitement coursed through my mind and I felt rejuvinated with a vigor I hadn't felt in all of my years. As I passed through the realm of the living to the realm of the deceased I realized I was still alive. There was something there but it wasn't the world I was used to. I looked upon the new world as if it was going to be something that would last but it was not to be. Everything went black and then there was a bright light. I awoke in a place that was unrecognizable. There where beings there but they weren't human. I soon realized I was one of them. I had taken on a new cellestial body and a new persona. I know longer even felt like myself. I knew who I was but I didn't even think the same. My thoughts came diffrently but they where still understandable. It wasn't a new language that made them seem foreighn but it was the fact that I would think them at all.  In my former life I never thought like this and I had completely diffrent feelings about those thoughts. What was this and what had I become. A new persona a new body and an entirely new life. I couldn't wait to get started to see what adventures would be bestowed upon me throughout.

The Dark Forest Tags: The Dark Forest

Once upon a time in  dark forest lived a King. The King of the dark forest. He was a good King but he liked things very dark. One day things got so dark the humble people could not see. They begged the King to return light to the forest however he would not. In despair the people called upon the one person they thought could overthrow the King and return the light. The humble merchant named Merchant. Being a merchant Merchant's life depended on the light so he knew what he had to do. He grabbed his trusty sword and headed off in the direction of the Kings castle. Once he came upon the castle he scaled the 160 foot wall and silently sneaked into the kings quarters. "Yes" yelled the King as he spotted Merchant lunging towards him. "Restore all the light." Yelled Merchant. "Never" said the King of the dark forest. "Then I will behead you" yelled Merchant. "Behead me indeed" yelled the King. Once Merchant had the Kings head cut off all light returned. The moral of this story is don't get burned.

This is the fight of all fights Tags: This is the fight of all fights



Today was the day when Rome came around full force besieged full forces down. The war was all started the beginning and end and to lose all the fight was to lose all the men. Today it all started the fight worth the fight the mightiest might was the might of the might. I put my own place with the men and the warriors. I was first  inline for the in store of the the fight and I was the first inline to feel the might of the night. I wheedled my sword and shield and plunged to my death and this is what I said with my very last breath. I came as a warrior and I leave as one too but tonight was the night that my life is all thru. I won many battles I fought with the best and to lose this battle I'd have to come to my rest. I besieged many cities I fought long and hard I have struggled in battles only to lose only yards. I never before went to my knees and to lose only battles was to lose only to ones fear and I have never lost ever. As my own life is a true mirror of the truth and the one who had won because to lose I would have to be done and finished and I wasn't to this very day. To beat me is to kill me and then only then can you call it a victory I said to my very last friend. He replied back to know you is to respect you my friend as the truth is that I've fought many of men but only to you would I kneel for the art slow to know you is to fear you only I've come to love you like a brother and the true end is here it is only to lose you as my friend is my lonely last fear. As I felt the sword plunge I looked to my left and I saw the collapse of my lonely last friend. I looked at the night the fight was a fight and I soon realized my last night was this night. To look upon the night now I knew only then to believe in ones self you had to believe it would end. I always believed that it would I always believed the true truth that to besiege ones fear one had to conquer the notion that life is a battle up hill or not to lose the battle was to quit the one fight you couldn't dam stop. I relished the fact that I went out with a fight and I relished the fact that to this very night I had to believe that the true end was near to win the fight was to win over fear. I had beaten it then and to this very day I have conquered my fear and lived my life full cause without fear holding me hostage I was free. Free to be me. Free to fight fights and free to be the one person with the might of the might.


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