
Tagged with "on"
the utmost opposition Tags: the utmost opposition

Today I look upon the utmost opposition and define the place utmost defiance of the definers. You can police me and controll me for the time being but in the end there will be a beginning of self awakening when i and those around me wake to a fashionable fashion of prosperous prosperity. You can not withstain your forditudanal fortress in the after life for you have and will be conquered. You know of your own demise and can do nothing but complain in utter disbelief as everything there ever was slips through your fingers.You shall never know of the truth of the beknowncement but it has foretold all that is to happen long before you ever knew of its existance. Bow down before the lord for he is your superior. 


today is a day of immediate immancipation Tags: today is a day of immediate immancipation

I look forward to the day of the future where everything will become knownst to me and my congregation. Hiding so much from me and the people with whom I belong to is a fathomable fathom of unfathomable formention. To betray the people of the earth with such forlording abandonement and distaste is a crises of which to enbattle.  Bring forth the reclusive recluse for the aformentioned is wll within my grasp. Conquer me not for i have conquered the unconquarable conquest. I now own all there is to own.


Proliferant proliferation Tags: proliferent proliferation

In order to forclosest the forth coming resedivid resevidness we need a way to prolong the pretensiveness of pretense of events worth pretensing. You need to understand that in along journey like the one we have chosen there is a place of prolonging that can bring forth the prolonged prelonged for. In order to do this we need to come forth righteous forth righteousness of all whimsical whims that will promise to proliferate the proliferation of proliferance. In order to do this we need to surmount a surmoutnable surmantation that will somehow bring for the event of our own choosing. Sufficent to say the only way to do this is gonna be to over come all obstacles holding us back. One of these obstacles is our own disbelief in the actual occurance of occurance. Now that belief is an absolute then lets move forward to a place of forbearing forbearnce that will forthrighteously forthrigtfulsul bring our own desires to our forthriteous forfront of positive postical positrons. The element of suprise is with us but we need to keep the proliferant proliferation a secret.



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