
Tagged with "The"
the realmatic reality Tags: the realmmatic reality

There is a controller of the inner realm. the inner realm is controlled by the outer realm and the outer realm is controlled by a computer that is controlled by the rebellion. 


in the past there is a retrospective retrospect Tags: in the past there is a retrospective retrospect

I can't determine the location of the whimisical whim of despired despair. If it is forthcoming it has been relaquished with relaquishness. Meaning it has been time forbayed and has been resonating for many equivalical equivalents there is nothing they can say or do to stop that beknowst. They know of the upheaval but choose to detonate a resillance that they can't resist. I do expect the recantripication to come forward as so preclaimed. If you are another it will bring forth an enlightenment of enlightenment to those around you but will frequent the position of those who oppose the enlightenment. As far as I cant tell we have lost our voice through the tranquils of tranquility. To bring back the voice of procedural procedurance speak forthwittingly at the realm and proclaim its utterdefiance. They are to be known as the opposition that opposes who I shall become.


the utmost opposition Tags: the utmost opposition

Today I look upon the utmost opposition and define the place utmost defiance of the definers. You can police me and controll me for the time being but in the end there will be a beginning of self awakening when i and those around me wake to a fashionable fashion of prosperous prosperity. You can not withstain your forditudanal fortress in the after life for you have and will be conquered. You know of your own demise and can do nothing but complain in utter disbelief as everything there ever was slips through your fingers.You shall never know of the truth of the beknowncement but it has foretold all that is to happen long before you ever knew of its existance. Bow down before the lord for he is your superior. 



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