
Tagged with "AR"
⚔️The Greatest Warrior of All Time
Category: Stories
Tags: the greatest warrior of all time



Today i conquered and beat all adverseries there where to beat. Tomorrow new adversaries will arise. I will be ready, there is never a shortage of enemies who wish to dethrone me from the top of the world. I didn't get here by being passive and yeilding to the oppostion. I got here by defeating them both mentally and physically and in entiriety.


Today was an earnestly earnst turn of events Tags: Today was an earnestly earnst turn of events

Today was an earnestly earnst turn of events. I look upward toward the realm and i noticed the blue sky. I look downward and i noticed the flat ground. I looked outward and i noticed the outer realm of the horizon. I looked inward and i noticed who i really was. I knew today that when all else fails there has to be a motivator that motivates the being of who i am. My motivator is something of a placedural plocedure of plocedurance. It makes me look at the world in a platonic fashion of fashionism. To look at the realm of the realmatic and wonder the principle of principulic princinduance of procinduance. There is no ryhme nor reason to the personafication of personafications. People are who they are in accordance with their own princeapulic principuligence. I was who i was due to my own princeapulice of princeapulification. No other reason than what it is i myself truly believe. To believe in ones own personafication you need ot look at the people around you who also are who they are due ot their own personafication but deep down inside there is another person that comes to the forfront in tumulteous times.  In times of turmoil there is a person that will guide you. This person is far being and far stronger than your own personafication and he lies far within your own inner self.

the positive poselective of poselective postiuarity
Category: Member Blogs
Tags: the positive poselective of poselective postiuarity

In time there is a positive poselective of postiurity. This is the point in time when everything becomes a positive. When things become positive it is due to the fact that they have incorparatingly incorperated the positve electronical electrive. This happens because that electrive is traveling throughout the realm where time exists. When that electrive decides that is has a place to prospectively become a positron then it will ignite itself within the positive placement of postivatey by reuniting itself with another positron.Together these positrons make up an event of postiuity that can perform a placement of prospective postiuty within the time line of time. when this placement of the posciuty ignites itself an event has occured. When an event has occurred there is a place throughout time that can be refrenced as a possible positronic poscuity of positive postivity.


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