
Tagged with "E"
The Coming Tags: The Coming

Today could have been better. In order to form a more perfect union I did what I had to do. For those who don't understand I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you. There will come a time when all those created equal have dispelled the notion that some of us are better than the rest until that happens I have taken matters into my own hands.When the world changes there will be a split and those who are divided at the tops and the bottoms by the other half will wonder what has happened. It is a perfectly logical occurrence with the meek at the top and the once strong at the bottom. The exact opposite the world is now. If you feel like you have been struggling and not making ends meet congratulations that struggle will soon be over. If you are at the top of the world now looking down at the rest of the world your treachery is about to begin. In my mind this treachery is well deserved and you should understand the reason.

NASA rover Curiosity drills into Martian rock
Category: Ning News
Tags: NASA rover Curiosity drills into Martian rock


The hole in a rock called For the first time, NASA's rover Curiosity used its on-board drill to collect a sample of Martian bedrock that might offer evidence of a long-gone wet environment, the U.S. space agency reported on Saturday. Drilling down 2.5 inches into a patch of sedimentary bedrock, Curiosity collected the rock powder left by the drill and will analyze it using its own laboratory instruments, NASA said in a statement. This is the first time a robot has drilled to collect a Martian sample. Images of the hole, along with a shallower test hole nearby, can be seen at http://www.jpl.nasa. ...

To be denounced Tags: To be denounced

    I have said this before and I will say it again. To be denounced is to be ridiculed by a person for that persons own well being or social stature. I have been denounced many times but to stand for such in justice will never suffice. I have ridiculed many and to this day to my own personal dismay I have seen the turmoil it will cause another. To brainwash a person against another person is a social injustice and should never be tolerated. Throughout history it has shown to many times bring cruelty and injustice to a social class of people. I will not tolerate or should yourselves or others. To disrespect me should be to die, among the living you no longer belong because you have become something that will breed and spread to the minds of others. Do not wish to harm me by defamation thou will not tolerate this as I swear to punish those who cause me damages. As I personally abide by my own rules and wish you no harm but will respect your self image as you will respect mine.


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