
Tagged with "A"
The game Tags: The game



Don't ever let the game become anything other than a game. We where put here for a purpose and that purpose was the game. This why where here and there is no other reason. Have fun with it enjoy it and don't ever question the motive. Anybody who feels different will look back at this and realize they took it and themselves much to seriously. Live, love and give back but don't give to much of yourself that you feel you have lost who you are. The purpose is to belong in a community and not to let the community belong to you but to expect the others will define their own purpose. Don't tell them who they are and don't let them explain themselves to the point they are over explaining. Just accept everybody for their own personal beliefs. I wish the best to all of you and I hope things turn out to be great in the end as I know they will. If you look to the horizon be one with the world and don't let yourself be consumed by the hatred of insecurities that plague even the most confident people. We all have our faults and our weaknesses. Mine is that I can't see the good in some of the people who rule the earth but I know they have to have some kind of a righteous purpose other than their own egos for their actions. Anyways we can only hope. I know that when I look at life as the beginning of the journey I have to look at the rest of the world and say some have to believe this is the end.

Plan for the plan in place Tags: Plan for the plan in place

If you want to hear the replacement plan for the plan in place ask me cause I have a plan that replaces the plan they have. Their plan is a plan the represses and depresses the masses while my plan brings the masses to lives of peace and prosperity. They have no solution other than people acting the way they act. This is a poor excuse for a society.

Foredrawn Conclusion Tags: Foredrawn Conclusion

Don't ever question the question of others. When people question people they always have a reason but those reasons are often disguised. To determine the reason for the question you must look to the foredrawn conclusion. Once discovered you can concurrently concide that the conclusion will bring them to an edulgement of enlightenment. Once you grasp what they will determine from your answer you can predict their motive and persuade them in their beliefs as to your own forlong forensic approach into their inquiries.


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