
Tagged with "A"
The Unattainable future Tags: The Unattainable future

     If the future is a grain of sand and its falling through an hour glass nothing in the world can stop it. It will eniquivaocalby blind as to where its going when it comes to its rest it has befallen its fate and will remain where it lay for an eternity knowing nothing about itself or it's surroundings. I am that grain of sand. Nothing ever can change my destiny for only time here makes a diffrence.. To benounce the future is the only way to change ones fortune. The time it takes to make an equivical change remains the utmost mystery of the universe.



dwdestroy, about me Tags: dwdestroy about me


My blogs


About me

Gender MALE
Occupation I'm a smoother. I smooth things out .
Location Boston, Massachusetts, United States
Links Audio ClipWishlist
Introduction Ya its me Dw Destroy. Here is some facts about me. I like to write.I like to read.I like to listen I like to talk alot. People are always telling me to shut up. I don't listen. Anyway since I've talked so much since I was a kid I have gotten real good at it. You should hear me talk its amazing. It really goes to show how good you can get at something if you practice. To all my love fans out there (and I know there's a lot)sorry this guy is taken.
Interests i got intrests just they intrest me and im sure your not intrested.
Favorite Movies I would say Blood City Blues if I had to choose.
Favorite Music Sounds that come the joy of your car not starting first thing in the morning. My next favorite audio collection is sounds made by people while writing out bills.
Favorite Books The pirate story I wrote. Its my favorite cause I wrote it.


Where would you go if you got kicked out of your country?



I Dedicate This To My Dog Socks Without Whom I Could Never have Come This Far Tags: I Dedicate This To My Dog Socks Without Whom I Could Never have Come

Here is the funny thing about life. You never really know where it is your going.You know where you wanna go.You might do things and make decisions that you think will get you there. But it isn't entirely up to you is it? Somewhere along the line you have to rely on somebody else to do what you want them to do to make what you want to happen, happen and this is when things get all F'd up. 

Nobody makes it easy on you do they. This rough road causes some to use the excuse "hell if people would just give me the money I wouldn't have to kill them. Killing people isn't easy its hard dam work but it is the only way your gonna get some people to stop holding out. Ya ya you can build things and gather things that people will trade their valuables or their money for but if you want their last dollar you gotta take it." 
There not serious about the killing or the taking of course but seriously What is wrong with the world? Their opinion "lets face it men, there is not enough around to go around so you better get yours before I get mine. Once I get mine all the gotten can be forgotten cause its all gone. I will be consuming what I have gotten as fast as I can. There will be nothing left therefore if you want yours better hurry. As soon as I'm done talking I'm starting. Do you follow me? Are you picking up what I'm putting down? I hope so because for those of you who missed the boat there will be no make ups for this test. The curriculum will not be reviewed if you have questions don't ask." 
A small bird once told me. Excuse me sir but if your brain was much smaller you wouldn't have all these problems. I think that was probably the theory behind the George W. Bush elections. Anyway on to my next point. What was the point of this? Dam if you don't know that sucks because I was hoping you would explain it too me. As far as I can tell their is no point therefore a point without a point does not exist. This may have never even happened and probably didn't. If I have wasted any of your time I am sorry, please see me within the next .5 seconds for a full refund. Complaints made after this time will result in lost time. If you have lost your time the only way to recover it is to read this backwards.Good luck.

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