
Funny Thing

Heres the funny thing about funny things. I had a funny thing that was funny. It was with a girl that didn't know me. I didn't know her she didn't know me and some people would say thats kind of funny. But the funny part was the break up. I had to call her and say hi this is somebody so and so and we're through. She cried real hard it was really rough. the moral of the story is don't try to break up with a girl who doesn't know you. She'll want to meet. However if you do have to do this better not to meet just do it over the phone. Trust me. Been through it so many times that I ought to know. I loved a lot of girls I never met and I'm sure they all love me. Most of the girls where on tv and when ever they would see me they would smile. Not just your everyday smile that you would get from a girl off the street but a big happy smile that you would only get from a girl on tv..

Now everyday when I think of myself I have to laugh just a little because I'm funny and I don't mean funny funny I mean funny cool and its so funny how much cooler I am than you. Don't try to ease your coolness to my coolness level cause a fellow I know tried to be as cool as me once and he actually ended up a big block of ice. When he thawed he admitted that its totally true he said Matt I could never ever be as cool as you dude. And I agreed him cool as me good luck he actually froze and thats gotta suck.

Now I'm a fun guy and to be totally true I'm a much funner guy than you. even the cool of me's fun and I know that its true you can't ever be funner than the cool of me too. Go head and try you'd probably die and you have a better chance of rounding off pie.

From the highway of hell Tags: highway to hell

From the highway of hell. I can't tell which highway I'm riding its going and going and going unslow and where it ends up I never will know. I run through the forest I climb through the trees I swing from the branches like I'm on the flying trapeze. Where the heck am I going knowbody knows but lately I'm moving very unslow. So where can you find me with the greatest of eaze obviously baby through the lastest of breeze. I run with the wind I move with the sound I thunder and rumble as the worlds going round. I go faster than lightning I move rather fast and I never look back upon my fast moving past. The pasts moving faster the future unslow and where I'll end up I never will know.


Fighting With Billy

Going home last night I got in a fight. With who you might ask. With Bill thats friggin who. Goddamn Billy all he does is pick on me. Last week he stole all my milk money. This week he blackened my eye. One of these days that son of bitch Billy is going to pay. Why cause he's such a son of a bitch. I'm gonna get ya billy. I'm gonna get ya.


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