
Sobrierty Check Point

A place you can write articles and comments. Please check your sobriety at the door. If your F'd up and wanna share please share here. Here I am writing this article and I realize I'm not wasted myself. Damn leave it to True* to break his own cardinal rule.

   I drank myself into oblivion and I got unto that spot and I thought about the spot I was in and why the spot was spotted. I mean I saw a lot of spots and a lot of big white blotches. I couldn't understand the blotches or the spotted spot and I drank until I eventually passed out. When I woke again I looked upon the spot but I couldn't see the spot or the blotches and I thought that's a very interesting spot. Oblivion dam true I'll hit that spot again my friend come one day you fool.
The Tower of Terror

  I came to a tower. The tower of terror. I said to "tower yo you don't terrify me at all. No man no." The tower said upon me "you must know that a tower that is terrifying is scary don't you?" I said "whats so terrifying about a tower?" and the tower said to me "I can scare the daylights out of you just let me try." So I said "go for it" and the tower he did cry. He said "I'm the terror tower so you better cry with me cause I'm not terrifying you just wait and see." I was terrified the tower was sad and upset so I started crying. Upon realizing I'd been tricked I laughed at the tower thinking this was quick. The tower said upon me "see my friend I won." "I said how so?" The tower said "cause you laughed instead of cried" and I sighed cause I knew I was tricked if I cried or I laughed at the tower the tower's little trick had worked and I knew the second the tower said it I was friggen fooled


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