There will be no end. There is only the beginning. In the end the beginning came from where it was and reinserted itself into the monologue. It was here again and all time had come to a distant place of earnest. We all skipped the beginning before but this time we would live through it. Watch it , feel it like nothing of the time or place had ever been seen before.
I am here and ready to do battle. There is nothing you can say or do. The time has come and the point is here. In a time of turmoil there is confusion. I have them so confused they do not no which way they falter. I will relinquish nothing at the time of reckoning. You will relinquish all that you own including your own soul. Doubt me now but in the end there will be no confusion as to who has won the final battle. This will be the battle that ends all wars.
I can't find my way for the road i walk looks dark and clouded. I trudge forward praying that the path i travel is the correct way. When I get to my destination I hope it is the place of plactitude I am searching for for if I have faultered along the way my mistake could be extremely detrimental. Only time will reveal if my course has been correct and as I approach the position of of procedural procedure I am filled with doubt and uncertainty. If I have calculated my course correctly the realm will manifest itself to everything of my beckoning and if I have mistepped then only god knows.