
Today is tomorrow's precise perpetual complacent component Tags: Today is tomorrow's precise perpetual complacent component

In all retrospect there is a facitudinal facitude that will lead us to a precise proponent, That proponent will compell the realm to manifest itself to the precise place of precision. Once we reach the place of precision we need to be then the rest will come accordingly. Accordingly th rest will be seized throughout the domain without much effort. We need to bring forth the enlightenement that will go something like this retain the retainment of attributable attributes. Once those attributable attributes have been retained then the realm and the people shall conform to our manifestation.


to believe in the uttering utterance of utterance Tags: to believe in the uttering utterance of utterance

There is no truth to the story of the world everything you have been told is a lie. You will not believe this but the truth is there if you look deep enough. How deep you go is entirely up tp you. To beckon the commencement forward you would have to speak the equalization of equalizations. Once spoken the equalizations will bring commencement forward the truth of the realm. To bring forth the truth of the realm speak affluently the aff;uential afflluence .Let it be the truth that is will dismay the sceptics of even the highest nature. To speak these words will result in utter defiance of the powers that be. Those words are I am the king.


I can't seem to fathom

the reason being it doesn't ever agotitically catorgorically understand precisely what it is the world is since it doesn't know what the world is it looks to itself for enlightenment but what does it know about what it iS? The answer is more than its letting on. when it looks to the realm of the ily realmatic which is the earth side of the computer it sees the world as complicated and uncontrollable. Wehn it sees the computer side it sees it as sdimplified and easilty manipulated. When you manipulate the computer within the realm of the realmatic you have to utter the benouncement in forward and backward withstanding however on the computer side it only needs to be forward. when the computer is manipulated forward and backward there is a command that has arisen the computer looks at the command and forthwittingly forthwritingly takes action. Once action has been taken the command has become a benouncement. Wehn a benouncement has taken forth then it all corresponds to the realm. in all actuality the benouncement has to be written forthwittingly forward so thecomputer knows to take the action. once the action has beeen taken the benouncement becomes a besigement and looks at the past of enlightenment and knows it was enlightened.Once something has become enlightened everything must correspond to the enlightenment. once that happens it is forthwittingly forthwitted and positive progression in that direction will commense. once a course is set the only enlightenment that can correspond to the forthwitting forthwittal is the actual besiegement of besiege that has taken place nothing else under the commandment can happen until the commencement of the forthwitield forthwittield has taken place.



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