
Your moving slow

People often call upon me to ask "why the heck does life move so fast?" So I answer "is life moving fast or are you going slow get out of your rocking chair. Come on baby Lets go!!!"


When I'm feeling down I like to whistle. Real loud and real quite too. So quite I can't hear myself and so loud everybody can hear me. If you hear me whistling you will know I'm depressed and upset. Don't try to cheer me up it won't work. When I'm whistling the outside world doesn't appeal to me I'm to involved in whistling to care. I can get so absorbed in whistling its like the whistle is absorbed through parts of my body and I start to move along with the tune. A lot of times I find my self dancing while I whistle. If you like to dance come by while I'm whistling I'll blow you a tune you can dance too. If you think you whistle good I'll out whistle ya. Positive of it.

Whats Funny Poem

 The thing about funny yes funny its true is nothing is really funny about funny you fools. Funny is not funny unless i say its so and in my world of funny anything goes. Heres funny yes funny its true i'm not funny im a serious dude.
    Heres the thing about stupid stupids not funny unless im being stupid then its hilarious dummies. Heres stupid yes stupid its true. Nobody around here is stupid you fools. Stupids not funny thats why no one around here is stupid you dummies.
    Im hilarious though but hilarious doesn't mean funny at all. Whats the diffrence between hilirious and funny? Heres the definition and Im not bull but hilarious means funnier than funny though so.
    If you where curious what would you do? Would you ask questions like whats funny you fool? whats curious and is curious funny? Im all confused about these words are you you dam dummy? Cause if i wanna know do you wanna know too? How come where not curious about the same things dude? Are we all diffrent is that the reason or are these all words with individual meanings?
    Heres the problem with funny and its not slow nobody can figure funny out and its not bull. So if you think your real quick and very unslow what the hells funny cause wed all love to know?


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