
Tagged with "do"
There is a fothrighteous forthcoming withijn our grasp. Tags: Don't try to kill me for I will survive. I can't be destroyed down



Don't try to kill me for I will survive. I can't be destroyed down played or played down. I will rise and my people with me.


Don't estimate the estimational estimation of estimated estimonial estimation Tags: Don't estimate the estimational estimation of estimated estimonial estimation



Don't estimate the estimational estimation of estimated estimonial estimation. There is an exact preciseness of accord in which things need to be placed into procedure. The procedure starts with the pertained pertainment of protainment and ends with an actual eventuel eventeful event that will in all actual reality bring forth the procurement of precise procurement. There is a longitudanal longitude that will remain at length then all will bring itself to our liking. When this happens there will be an equate of equational equateness that will bring us a posititive positude of posterity of placement in which we can place everything in the realm into its proper place. The element of nature depends upon the realm itself being procurred properly peacefully and in proper procedure. As far as the realm is concerned we live in the utmost outer part that will not suffice our own sufficedness. We need to gain ground and in order to do so we are going to have to use proper placement of procedural procedure. This means to exclaim an exclamation of exclamatory exclamation.


Controlling Random Events Tags: Controlling Random Events

Their will be a future of a place where people figure the future is a random set of events to be controlled by the people who control such events. If you control such events that they look to you for the answers then beware the answers will be answered by somebody with the answers. If you have the answer to who this may be then you may have a future of prosperity and greatness. If you don't have the answer then at some later time the answer will be provided to you providing the answer is answered by the person who has all the answers.


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