
Tagged with "pro"
the future as i see it through the eyes of the prophet Tags: the future as i see it through the eyes of the prophet

I see a drone high in the sky. It is large and very manyichial. with this drone I can provide wifi for over 10 million people. There is a person speaking he speaks to the masses through a microphone he keeps at his side. I look at other people they are all dressed componently. Their shoes are one component their shirt is one component and their pants another. all these components interact with one another. They do things like look around and report on what they are seeing. A report from one component might go something like this. I have just walked through a hallway and the temperture in the hallway was 68 degrees. The hallway was 30 feet long and 4 feet wide. The ground was constructed of hard wood and the ceiling was a white a stucco.People use these reports from their clothing to gauge their surroundings and properly adjust to their surroundings. I see a reality also known as the outer realm where people go to relax and have fun. They spend a great deal of time in the outer realm enjoying all the interactions of others and the chemical world there is to explore. The chemical world provides to them many things a world of enlightenment as well as a world of enhanced enhancements.

Proliferant proliferation Tags: proliferent proliferation

In order to forclosest the forth coming resedivid resevidness we need a way to prolong the pretensiveness of pretense of events worth pretensing. You need to understand that in along journey like the one we have chosen there is a place of prolonging that can bring forth the prolonged prelonged for. In order to do this we need to come forth righteous forth righteousness of all whimsical whims that will promise to proliferate the proliferation of proliferance. In order to do this we need to surmount a surmoutnable surmantation that will somehow bring for the event of our own choosing. Sufficent to say the only way to do this is gonna be to over come all obstacles holding us back. One of these obstacles is our own disbelief in the actual occurance of occurance. Now that belief is an absolute then lets move forward to a place of forbearing forbearnce that will forthrighteously forthrigtfulsul bring our own desires to our forthriteous forfront of positive postical positrons. The element of suprise is with us but we need to keep the proliferant proliferation a secret.


A proponent of propentness Tags: A propnent of propentness



Don't over estimate the predictment of predictaments. All is in the realms of realmatical realmatics. Either the place of plactitude is a place of plactitude or we have gotten to a precise propnent precisely. Which ever it seems it is likely that the preciseness of this prponent can't ever be ethersized by the opposition. As weak as we seem we are coming to a point of precise propositional propisition. Forever be now and forever be then but in the future forever be a proponent of propenentness of proponetness. There will be a time when the propenent will seem more like a propenent then he is now. When the time comes remeber there is a propenet at every turn who will oppose this conclusive conclusion.




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