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Consult A Best Lady Doctor In Tirunelveli For PCOD Problems
Category: Stories
Tags: Menstrual Cycle Ovulation Period periods Best Lady Doctor In Tirunelveli

Nowadays polycystic ovary syndrome is a very common problem affecting many women. Women in the age group of 15 to 45 yrs are getting affected. It is caused due to the hormone imbalance in the body which affects women's menstrual cycle results in an irregular period. This decreases the chances of pregnancy.  Women can get pregnant only if they have a proper menstrual cycle with the correct ovulation period.



The causes of pcod include excess insulin production, genetics, the increase in the secretion of male hormones. An unhealthy diet and lifestyle lead to this pcod problem. The symptoms include infertility, irregular periods, heaving bleeding, excessive weight gain, abnormal facial hair growth.  These symptoms must be monitored and treated quickly. If left untreated it causes many uterine problems with difficulty in conceiving a baby.

 If you found a pcod problem, then immediately contact a Best Lady Doctor In Tirunelveli and get a complete health checkup. The doctor will perform a physical examination such as a blood test, ultrasound to detect a problem.  Also, have a healthy lifestyle with proper exercise to cure pcod problem.

Detect Placenta Pervia Through Ultrasound
Category: Stories
Tags: Placenta Previa Anterior Placenta Posterior Placenta Best Lady Doctor In Tirunelveli

Bearing a child is every woman's dream. There was a curiosity to see a baby during pregnancy. Ultrasound shows your baby's growth and development. Doctor asks to take an ultrasound to reach whether the baby's growth reaches a milestone. Also, the baby’s sex is detected during the ultrasound. It uses sound waves to measure the baby's growth. Any placenta problems such as placenta Previa can also be detected during the ultrasound examination.



It also shows the placenta types, whether it is an anterior placenta or posterior placenta. The placenta supplies food and oxygen for the growing fetus. During the pregnancy ultrasound, skilled technicians use a transducer by sending high-frequency sound waves. This will create baby pictures.

How to prepare yourselves for an ultrasound? Doctors advised taking a lot of water before the ultrasound to see the clear movement of the baby. Patients are asked to lie flat, then lubricant gel is applied over the abdomen. The baby image gets viewed on the monitor when moving the transducer over the abdomen. Hiba Women Clinic is equipped with Best Lady Doctor In Tirunelveli to take care of the mother and baby during pregnancy.

Consult Gynecologist & Obstetrician Doctors For Healthy Pregnancy
Category: Stories
Tags: pregnancy gynecologist & obstetrician doctors Normal Delivery Obstetricians

Pregnancy is a wonderful time for every woman to prepare her body and mind for the newborn. Before delivery of the baby, proper measures and lifestyle changes must be taken to ensure the proper health of the mother and baby. we are going to discuss the weight. There must be a proper weight gain for the mother and baby during the pregnancy.



Women must gain a healthy amount of weight according to the body mass index. Visit the gynecologist & obstetrician doctors to ensure that you are gaining correct body weight. Because too much weight gain will bring gestational diabetes and blood pressure. Also if the mother gains too much during the pregnancy period, there is less chance of getting normal delivery.

Many Obstetricians suggest that there must be a correct weight gain to get normal delivery. Next, there must be correct AFI levels in women's bodies. To ensure this women must drink more water and liquid-rich foods. Women must eat more fiber-rich foods and shouldn't skip breakfast. To bring the new life to the world with good health these lifestyle changes should be adopted.


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