
Tagged with "in"
The future is cut in stone Tags: The future is cut in stone

They knew the where, what and the who they just didn't know the how. Eventually the how will be revealed to them. They will marvel at my magnificance for a very long time. Don't gander to long at the inevatible for the past is the past and the future is cut in stone.


Plan for the plan in place Tags: Plan for the plan in place

If you want to hear the replacement plan for the plan in place ask me cause I have a plan that replaces the plan they have. Their plan is a plan the represses and depresses the masses while my plan brings the masses to lives of peace and prosperity. They have no solution other than people acting the way they act. This is a poor excuse for a society.

Controlling Random Events Tags: Controlling Random Events

Their will be a future of a place where people figure the future is a random set of events to be controlled by the people who control such events. If you control such events that they look to you for the answers then beware the answers will be answered by somebody with the answers. If you have the answer to who this may be then you may have a future of prosperity and greatness. If you don't have the answer then at some later time the answer will be provided to you providing the answer is answered by the person who has all the answers.


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