
Tagged with "For"
todays afformentioned afformentions are yesterdays afflunetial affluences Tags: todays afformentioned afformentions are yesterdays afflunetial affluences

In yesterdays affluential afflunences there was a personification that brought everything to the forefront. That personification is still present and withstanding a remanant of remsical remnantification. In order to become who we need to be there has to be an equivical equivalent of equivalence that will bring about the utmost utterfication of utterfications.


Don't despair for all is not lost Tags: Don't despair for all is not lost

In times of turmoil there is a repository reposit that will bring us back to the afformentioned affirment. Look to the repository reposit in the afformentioned affirment for the answer. It will bring forth the uniquivacal unequivalence of  uniquivacal uniquivalence. Nothing will portray the truth more than the portrayal of portrance. For not withstanding an unprovintual provinance there will be a proverbial proverbance that will enlighten the realmatic realm of the realmatic. Speak affluently the affluential affluent forthwittingly forthwitted. For when spoken provintualy forward and outward it will speak to the realm of the relmatic forthwittingly enlightning the enlightenment even more so..


There is a fothrighteous forthcoming withijn our grasp. Tags: Don't try to kill me for I will survive. I can't be destroyed down



Don't try to kill me for I will survive. I can't be destroyed down played or played down. I will rise and my people with me.



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