
Tagged with "f"
There is a fothrighteous forthcoming withijn our grasp. Tags: Don't try to kill me for I will survive. I can't be destroyed down



Don't try to kill me for I will survive. I can't be destroyed down played or played down. I will rise and my people with me.


Face the facetts Tags: Face the facetts



Face the facettal facettes of facecettal facettiasm. There will be a place in time that belongs to the manifestial manifestations of manifestation. All will come into accord in accordance with the prophecy of prophetic prophetism. All belongs to here and now but in the future all belongs to whom it is that it belongs to. He will be there in accordance with the according to aquire all he owns on his own. Know the time the place and the positive of postiveness postive. We will bring forth a new beginning that has been been withheld for a near eternity or so it seems.

Today is a conquest of conquests Tags: Today is a conquest of conquests



Today is a conquest of conquests. When all else failed there was nothing between the realm and ourselves. Nothing. We knew that today we reighn or die trying.



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