In order to forclosest the forth coming resedivid resevidness we need a way to prolong the pretensiveness of pretense of events worth pretensing. You need to understand that in along journey like the one we have chosen there is a place of prolonging that can bring forth the prolonged prelonged for. In order to do this we need to come forth righteous forth righteousness of all whimsical whims that will promise to proliferate the proliferation of proliferance. In order to do this we need to surmount a surmoutnable surmantation that will somehow bring for the event of our own choosing. Sufficent to say the only way to do this is gonna be to over come all obstacles holding us back. One of these obstacles is our own disbelief in the actual occurance of occurance. Now that belief is an absolute then lets move forward to a place of forbearing forbearnce that will forthrighteously forthrigtfulsul bring our own desires to our forthriteous forfront of positive postical positrons. The element of suprise is with us but we need to keep the proliferant proliferation a secret.
I need to accomplish a passive passivation from here to my belonging of belongings. I belong in the realm of realmatic with closure with the people of my stanture. For you to be here and torment me is a given natural occurance but for me to be overwhelmed shows me you are a true adversary. You are very worthy of my conditional respect as a formiddable opponent but tonight I can't believe the the truth has been revealed. You are very slow. I have put you in a position of forentic farratical forentude that you cannot escape meet your defeat or you are soon to meet your demise. Their will be no prisoners without unconditional surrender.