
the future of the earth and its people

I can see the future of the earth and its people. In what lies the sands of time their is an awakening and the lord has risen from his place of hidden obscurity to the forefront of the people of the earth. He has told them of his forlorn distraught and what has become of the people who are no longer with us.


tulips in the garden

I can see them bloom. How pretty they've become. They beckon to me with every swaying sway. I watch them as they gleam underneath the sun how it has happened how it has become an earthly thing of beauty never to be seen underneath the sky on a winters night but always in the sunshine on a pleasant day.


post dramtic syndrome

I know some people with post dramtic syndrome. They are completely over dramtic after the occurance of anything ordinary or unordinary. They look at themselves and they think at all times they are the center of attention. Like they and they alone are the only thing in the universe that really makes a diffrence. Its because of these people that I want to draw attention to the rest of us who are widely over looked. We look at people that have post dramtic syndrome and expect that they are going to act rational. This is ridiculous. They will never be anything but over dramatic all of the time.



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