
Tagged with "I"
Voices of authority Tags: Voices of authority

I don't listen to the voices of authority but I know they have to listen to mine. If they claim they don't hear me I know they are lying. They are hanging on my every single word.

There was a place in time that time stopped looked and progressed Tags: There was a place in time that time stopped looked and progressed



There was a place in time that time stopped looked and progressed. They would say well how could that happen but I know it did. How did time look at itself? It looked by imagining the concoction of dillusion and what has been dilluded. In order to have a dillusion of time you have to have a paradox of the norm. A paradox is created when two things can be distingushly happening at diffent locations but at the same time. It is a place where the road divides it self and either path can lead to diffrent places in time. This is how the universe works. Make one decision it sets off a change in events that lead to one point in time, make a diffrent decision it will lead you someplace diffrent in time. By looking at these locations one can confidently say that you will end up in either location depending on your decesion. Once you have travelled to your destination another decision will present itself to you further progressing you forward and so on and so on. In order for time to stop you have to make no decisions and sit in one place with absolutely nothing happening. As impossible as this seems it could happen if all the world was to come to an end. If the world comes to an end and all life has ceased to exist time has in all retrospect come to a halt. When this happens time will look at itself and have to make a decision of it's own. This decision will be to resume it's existence and recreate another space time continium that will support life or whether to remain irrelevant. I doubt time will want to remain irrelevant so time will look at itself and recreate another world in which time can control the events which will take place. In order for time to do this time will have to change the events in time by adding something somehow to the realm in which it controls. The one thing time needs to set forth a new beginning is the one thing time needed in the past. The only thing needed is a beginning and an end. To begin time will add to the realm a start of life. A simple seed a molecule that will progress and evolve beyond the greatest imagination of even the greatest minds to ever exist. To have an end time only needs something to bring to an end the existance of all the seeds that have been set forth by the one seed time introduced. But why would time do this? The reason is beyond the understanding of the minds of this realm and we will likely never know the reason. All we can do is accept that this is time and time is beyond the comparison of anything we have ever imagined. To understand time you have to understand the actual creation of all which is known to man and for that to happen you would have to become a billion times smarter than we already are. To become a billion times smarter we would have to recreate our own brains to the point of all the brain power and all the computer power ever known to man and although this seems possible I highly doubt that it is. The reason I don't think it's possible is because the laws of the universe won't allow it due to the fact that if you ever where to get that smart you would be smarter than even the being who created the realm in which we live.

The new life. Tags: The new life.

There wasn't any chance of survival. Death was imminant and I was looking at the for front of a new beginning. Excitement coursed through my mind and I felt rejuvinated with a vigor I hadn't felt in all of my years. As I passed through the realm of the living to the realm of the deceased I realized I was still alive. There was something there but it wasn't the world I was used to. I looked upon the new world as if it was going to be something that would last but it was not to be. Everything went black and then there was a bright light. I awoke in a place that was unrecognizable. There where beings there but they weren't human. I soon realized I was one of them. I had taken on a new cellestial body and a new persona. I know longer even felt like myself. I knew who I was but I didn't even think the same. My thoughts came diffrently but they where still understandable. It wasn't a new language that made them seem foreighn but it was the fact that I would think them at all.  In my former life I never thought like this and I had completely diffrent feelings about those thoughts. What was this and what had I become. A new persona a new body and an entirely new life. I couldn't wait to get started to see what adventures would be bestowed upon me throughout.


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