
Tagged with "I"
the positive poselective of poselective postiuarity
Category: Member Blogs
Tags: the positive poselective of poselective postiuarity

In time there is a positive poselective of postiurity. This is the point in time when everything becomes a positive. When things become positive it is due to the fact that they have incorparatingly incorperated the positve electronical electrive. This happens because that electrive is traveling throughout the realm where time exists. When that electrive decides that is has a place to prospectively become a positron then it will ignite itself within the positive placement of postivatey by reuniting itself with another positron.Together these positrons make up an event of postiuity that can perform a placement of prospective postiuty within the time line of time. when this placement of the posciuty ignites itself an event has occured. When an event has occurred there is a place throughout time that can be refrenced as a possible positronic poscuity of positive postivity.

Category: Member Blogs
Tags: Gravity

Gravity is the force of nature that pulls cellestrial bodies toward one another. The cause of gravity is the enertia of a bodies movement through space and time. This happens by an object preconcievably traveling through the cosmos at an alarming rate of acceleration. The faster an object travels the more enertia it will build up and then will therefore have a greater ability to move. the more it moves the more other objects will cling to it. the way this can be proved is by taking an object and hurtling it towards another object the two objects would collide do to the enertia pulling them towards each other. Thy would not stay on their current trajectory but their paths would alter towards one another in a greater force than their initial gravitational pull. the best test to accomodate this theory would be tow baseballs flying through the air at speeds over one hundred miles an hour. The baseballs would not interject themselves with one another normally but at this speed would do so do to the balls enertia pulling them towards one another.

Don't despair for all is not lost Tags: Don't despair for all is not lost

In times of turmoil there is a repository reposit that will bring us back to the afformentioned affirment. Look to the repository reposit in the afformentioned affirment for the answer. It will bring forth the uniquivacal unequivalence of  uniquivacal uniquivalence. Nothing will portray the truth more than the portrayal of portrance. For not withstanding an unprovintual provinance there will be a proverbial proverbance that will enlighten the realmatic realm of the realmatic. Speak affluently the affluential affluent forthwittingly forthwitted. For when spoken provintualy forward and outward it will speak to the realm of the relmatic forthwittingly enlightning the enlightenment even more so..



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