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The most stable uniform distribution 445nm blue line laser module
Category: Stories
Tags: 445nm blue laser module blue line laser module laser line generator alignment laser

What is the best job to make the most precise line alignment? It is processing at quite long work distance, not easy to reach with primary manual line drawing or printing work, it is always making even better job with a direct diode emission made device of 445nm blue line laser module. Being made with an import 445nm blue laser diode and qualified separate crystal lens inside a highly durable metal housing tube, configured with constant power source supply, it always makes sure of high density blue laser light emission and highly clear and fine blue line projection at long work distance effectively.
The genuine use of a 445nm blue line laser module is always continuing for a quite long time. Comparing with a simple blue laser pointer only used for temporary positioning work, it is getting even better thermal emitting. For instance, according to the use of an import 445nm blue laser diode and metal heat sink cooling system are cooperating well, which is working well with at least 40% improvement of laser beam stability in continuous use. Every time it is operating within wide range operating temperature and other harsh occasion, such as serious mechanical moving or calibration etc, this laser line generator still gets superior nice environmental stabilization, and highly reliable blue line projection within long lasting use.
Whatever kind of working surface it is pointing, owing to the special use of a separate crystal lens within 10 to 93 degree, this blue line laser module is projecting the best quality non Gaussian distribution blue laser light, and highly uniform blue line projection. It is working well with the same line brightness from middle part towards both ends, and no laser light decay or fade in continuous use. When it is pointing onto various working surfaces, only after its basic measurement and experiment of technical data, this laser line generator gets correct use of output power and optic lens degree, and assures extremely clear blue line generation for a lot of raw material processing works.
According to special use of electric wires for both 445nm blue line laser module and DC power supply, it always enables the maximum installed distance of 3 meters, easy and quick reaching of blue line projection onto a lot of working surfaces. Every time it makes freely adjusted laser line fineness and line projecting direction within three dimensions, after correct wearing of laser safety goggles and avoiding eye exposure to laser beam aperture, this industrial alignment laser just assures easy reaching and highly secured line generation in all application fields perfectly.


Category: Stories
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