
Metaphorical Speakings
There was a time when something inside me told me you where the one. Tags: angel

It came to me on a cloudy summers day. I looked at you and thought about everthing you had ever told me and who you where and who I was. I came to the conclusion tha I loved who you where more than I had loved anybody I had ever met. It meant alot to me to know that you felt the same. Thank you for sharing so much about yourself with me. Nobody has ever done that before. I never met anyone I felt so close to. If theres anything you ever need from me in life or ever else ask. For everything i have including my heart belongs to you for eternity. If we shall ever come to part I don't think I could go on living for in reality I would have no reason. You are my purpose.

Time is a dialectable derelict Tags: time essence

To fathom the fortrighteousness of time one has to contemplate the personification of forthwittial forthwittil. Time forthwittingly will only listen to the commands of its on inner personification to which there is no directional direction or so it would seem but on further inquisitories I have come to realize that there is a forthwittingly forthwittal of which time has pronounced and those commands seem to speak to the nature of to which time corresponds. To review these pronouncements for your own bemusement look at time as if you had it captured it  in a bottle. What would happen? We know on the inside of the bottle time would force the inner workings of the bottle to correspond to times diabolical commands. Causing everything to change to times everlescent rules. however on the outside of the bottle things would not change, everything would stay in constant neutrality or would it? The question remains if there was no time would things still be allowed to happen and if so at what pace and what would dictate the pace at which things would change. There seems to be no rule in place for the dictation of the pace change which takes place. So it would seem that time has decided that factor somehow within itself. There could be a correlation at which things change and the pace being dictated by physics and the amount the physical world can be allowed to change within its own accord of set boundaries. To actually find out one has to remove time from the equation. To do this stop time from affecting certain matter within a perimeter of set boundaries by reversing collataral change on said such matter. To do this look at matter that changes and at what pace it changes. At the same rate the matter has changed restore that matter forthwittingly back to it's original state. Now we have eliminated the change that takes place over time. Do we in fact have a matter in the same state as of which we have started? If that is the case then only time has been a factor but if the matter has been effected by something else other than time than we will know. 

A vibrant vibrance in time Tags: A vibrant vibrance in time

 There was a time I seen you for who you where. I didn't always. There where other times when things seemed so diffrent. I always wanted to trust you but there where times of uncertainty. I hope your who l always hoped you where. 




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