
Tagged with "VIA"
Attention attention a plain old plan of abbrivated abbreviation Tags: Attention attention a plain old plan of abbrivated abbreviation



If you fonder the memories of familiarity you will under diagnose the procedural procedure of procederance. To look into the past is a further whimsical approach of actuality that will never suffice the actual time in which we reside. Live in the present and prosper the notion of the future. Bring with the notion that in the future all can and will besiege a better quality of qualitative advancements than have taken place in the past. To do so you will soon realize that the notion of quality is odsuffice as the past. Nothing can and will change without an adjustment of prosperous prosper. Nothing there can be given taken or procured without the sentance of sentenialice of procedure. Procede with caution. The future is there but can be managed only to a degree. Until further notice the placekment of procedural procedure will proceed us then all hell will break loose. Be neither here nor there for if found the you will procure their own jurisdiction in advancement of your own demise. Through conquering and reconqueirng they have the asslant asslance of maneuver that can and will come forth in a timely fashion of a notion of procurement as to remain in the stealthyness of stealth as to be expected. I can and will look forward to the herrowing adbvancement due to the actuality that they can and will only advance so far.


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