
Tagged with "Co"
Today is tomorrow's precise perpetual complacent component Tags: Today is tomorrow's precise perpetual complacent component

In all retrospect there is a facitudinal facitude that will lead us to a precise proponent, That proponent will compell the realm to manifest itself to the precise place of precision. Once we reach the place of precision we need to be then the rest will come accordingly. Accordingly th rest will be seized throughout the domain without much effort. We need to bring forth the enlightenement that will go something like this retain the retainment of attributable attributes. Once those attributable attributes have been retained then the realm and the people shall conform to our manifestation.


The Verdict Commands Us Tags: The Verdict Commands Us

The verdict commands us. The verdict spoken is like a time drawn conclusion that actually factually with the right information can instill upon us the greatest of premise and functionality to our base. Once spoken it has the power to realm between the actual thought drawn conclusion and make a statement to the world as to what has been found. Once that has happened it has been decided by the people in general that the facts are all in and the evidence points overwhelmingly to this one particular position. I on the other hand do not derive my verdicts from conclusions based on my own enterpretation of the facts but the actual facts and the truths that support them. Once you have removed persons intellogical drawn out conclussions and replaced them with solid evidence and supporting facts of none that can be false or prosented partially you are able to deliver a verdict of perfect consequence each time a verdict is needed. When this happens it changes everything in the world. The world as a whole will become a place of the highest enlightenment due to the actual factual verdicts that will command us in the near future. As my presence is decided by the forces within the actuality of the power that derives us, I will become the person to which all of you will listen. I accept this position with great emotional enlightenment and a feeling of conquest over the the current system in place. In my opinion the forlorn conclusion is a major improvement in the system we have in place at this particular time. If you have fears and concerns I wish to offer you this candestine notation that you need not be afraid or to worry. I am on the side of the people and hope to right the wrongs that a system of far less perfection has subject the many to over the years. With the new system in place and the strenght of it is known i believe people will feel much safer much more secure and much more at ease. The new beginning is a time for rejoicing and happiness and is not a time for sorrow and despair.


Today is a conquest of conquests Tags: Today is a conquest of conquests



Today is a conquest of conquests. When all else failed there was nothing between the realm and ourselves. Nothing. We knew that today we reighn or die trying.



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