
Metaphorical Speakings
Voices of authority Tags: Voices of authority

I don't listen to the voices of authority but I know they have to listen to mine. If they claim they don't hear me I know they are lying. They are hanging on my every single word.

Have a plan that can't be thwarted. Tags: Have a plan that can't be thwarted.

If you look for the future to come around and be a place of fortitude and prosperity you have to look at how this is gonna happen. If you feel like I do you will discover the plan is a plan of substantial gain but is to be manipulated by the person who has the plan. To manipulate a plan is to look at the plan and render the the plan a plan of robust outwardly development that you and you alone can administer. When you administer your plan you have to be entirely sure that your plan can't be thwarted by any opposing opposition. You have to look at the opposition and plan that they will plan to stop your advancements to the best of their ability. Thus a plan that is going to be administered has to have a plan of conditionality if and any event should occur.

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