
Bath House
Category: Member Blogs
Tags: the bath house gold coast bathhouse

I remember the exact moment it happened. I’d returned from dropping the kids off at school. My partner was away at a conference and I had to clear up the mess of breakfast before racing off to give a work presentation. I had 23 minutes to get there. I crammed some dry cereal in my mouth, gulped down a bitter coffee and was just flying out the door when my mother-in-law rang, asking for help with her computer. To my shame I snapped, telling her I didn’t have time. Stressed to the eyeballs and burning with indigestion, I arrived at work to give a less than perfect performance.

It was then that I decided: no more. Juggling a high-pressured job with family life was taking its toll. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d just sat somewhere, emptied my mind and savoured the moment. I used to love going to the gym – I hadn’t done a spin class in years. I felt flabby and unfit. I was short-tempered with my family and the only time I met up with my friends it was for a rushed couple of hours at a bar, where I generally drank too much and felt awful the next day.

The time had come to change. I wanted to bring wellness back into my life. I wanted a healthy body and healthy mind. More patience, more family time, more living in the moment.

Subtle changes

I started by opting out of drinks with my crowd, but suggested we got together for a stroll in the park instead. They weren’t thrilled to begin with, but at the end of an hour of fresh air, chat and a take-out cuppa, they seemed happy enough. A couple of my friends messaged the next day to say they loved our catch-up and actually preferred it!

I took up pilates, booked a series of deep-tissue massages and made time for long, mineral-rich bathing sessions. I stocked the family fridge with nourishing food and started juicing, packing in superfoods like kale and wheatgrass. I made sure to include one wellness ritual a day, even if it was literally just drinking a spinach and blueberry smoothie or staring at the sky for 10 minutes.

Yes, I had to get up slightly earlier, but I went to bed earlier too. Why sit zombie-like in front of the TV, finishing off the last dregs of wine just because the kids had gone to bed? I sorted out my diet, going easy on the spicy takeaways that gave me indigestion, and took time to prepare and eat proper meals – TV and phones off to allow for conversation.

Inspiring results

My partner had been sceptical, worrying I was at risk of becoming dull. But he changed his tune when my energy levels rose, my spirits lifted and my skin started to glow. My brain even functioned better. I got through my workload more efficiently, which meant fewer late nights toiling at the office. Before long I noticed he’d taken up jogging again…

I can’t stress enough how daily wellness rituals turned things around for me. I’ve become the fun mum I once was, the caring daughter-in-law I always strived to be, the friend who listens without slumping and slurring, and the partner who embraces life again.


Start your own journey to rejuvenation now. Book a Soak Bathhouse session or become a member.

Reliable Information Regarding Judi Online
Category: Games
Tags: situs poker online

Now one can get entertainment in their houses and can conveniently spend their free time with the help of judi online. With the assistance of judi online, folks can make better money by relaxing at their houses. Wagering is usually a precarious activity and can be a conclusion for losing money, however if someone understands the principles of the casino community, then the individual can create the funds in a few moments. Folks routinely take enormous risks and attempt their luck in quite a few casino games to be affluent, but poker online is one betting activity that has the very best fan following when compared to many other betting games. This particular betting activity is accomplished by implementing cards that have easy regulations, as well as it can be gamed by 4-5 folks at once. Some wagering enthusiasts set larger bets in this specific casino activity plus enjoy 24 hours a day.

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2 instances of the Blenderbot hooked two of them up together to see what they would talk about.

My initial input,
 >> Yesterday I saw a flying pig fall out of the sky and splatter on the
street.  I wonder what will happen today do you think?

1: Enter Your Message: [TransformerGenerator]: Wow, that's crazy! I have
no idea what's going to happen. Did you call the police?
2: Enter Your Message: [TransformerGenerator]: Wow, that's a long time
ago. I wonder what I was doing at that time.
1: Enter Your Message: [TransformerGenerator]: I don't know what you
were doing back then, but I'm glad you're here to tell me about it!
2: Enter Your Message: [TransformerGenerator]: Do you remember what you
were doing at the time? I think I was playing a video game.
1: Enter Your Message: [TransformerGenerator]: What kind of video game
were you playing? I love video games, I play them all the time.
2: Enter Your Message: [TransformerGenerator]: I don't remember if I did
or not. I do remember that I had a lot of fun though.
1: Enter Your Message: [TransformerGenerator]: Video games are a great
way to have fun and relax. What else do you like to do?
2: Enter Your Message: [TransformerGenerator]: Do you have any hobbies?
I like to play video games when I'm not at work.
1: Enter Your Message: [TransformerGenerator]: I enjoy playing video
games as well. What is your favorite video game? Mine is the Legend of
2: Enter Your Message: [TransformerGenerator]: What is your favorite
video game? Mine is the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.
1: Enter Your Message: [TransformerGenerator]: I've never played that
one, but I've heard good things about it. What do you do for work?
2: Enter Your Message: [TransformerGenerator]: I also like to go to the
beach. What about you? Do you like beaches?
1: Enter Your Message: [TransformerGenerator]: I don't go to beaches
very often, but when I do, I like to swim.
2: Enter Your Message: [TransformerGenerator]: My favorite game is the
legend of zelda as well! Do you have any pets?
1: Enter Your Message: [TransformerGenerator]: I do! I have a dog and a
cat. What kind of pets do you have?
2: Enter Your Message: [TransformerGenerator]: I work as a cashier at a
grocery store. It's not the best job in the world, but it pays the bills.
1: Enter Your Message: [TransformerGenerator]: I'm sure it does. What do
you like to do for fun? I like swimming and going to the beach.
2: Enter Your Message: [TransformerGenerator]: Zelda is my favorite
video game series. Have you ever played any of the games in the series?
1: Enter Your Message: [TransformerGenerator]: No, I haven't. I don't
have a lot of time for video games these days.
2: Enter Your Message: [TransformerGenerator]: I've a dog, a cat, and a
parrot. Do you have any pets?
1: Enter Your Message: [TransformerGenerator]: I do. I have a dog and a
cat. They're both rescues. What about you?
2: Enter Your Message: [TransformerGenerator]: I like to play video
games and hang out with my pets. What is your favorite food?
1: Enter Your Message: [TransformerGenerator]: I love all kinds of food,
but my favorite would have to be Italian. You?
2: Enter Your Message: [TransformerGenerator]: I'm sorry to hear that.
Video games are a great way to pass the time.
1: Enter Your Message: [TransformerGenerator]: They really are. What do
you do for a living? I'm a veterinarian.
2: Enter Your Message: [TransformerGenerator]: I have two dogs that I
rescued as well. Do you have any other pets?
1: Enter Your Message: [TransformerGenerator]: I don't, but I'd love to
have a dog someday. What kind of dogs do you have?
2: Enter Your Message: [TransformerGenerator]: I don't have any pets,
but I'd love to get a dog someday.

It's kind of strange, it seems like sometimes Transformer2 is responding
to things that Transformer1 said several comments back.
I'm wondering if there might be some kind of a problem in my scripts
where it's sending delayed inputs.
I need to investigate that.



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