
The guy with one eye.
Category: Comedy

I got one eye. Well actually two but I only got eyes or one eye for you. The other eye man its rather dam slow because the other eye ain't working. Not really cause its broken. That is why I'll be your guy if you only would go for a guy with one eye.

A poor jay.

While walking through the park whistling I came across a Jay. Well that's what it was a Jay. I thought does this Jay know how to fly? Being the nice guy that I am I picked it up and threw it into the air. The jay crashed down causing me much worry. What on earth do I do now? So I took the Jay home and have been feeding him birdseed and worms. I have tried to demonstrate flying to him many times by running around flapping my arms in his presence. I think he is starting to catch on. I can tell because his look of confusion and being dumbfound when I do this has changed to a look of understanding. Tomorrow to simulate the way a mother Jay teaches her birds to fly by pushing them out of the nest I am going to climb a tall tree and drop her. This may sound harsh to some but I am devastated over having to do this. I really hope the Jay flies. Although this is going to be hard on both of us I have been reading books on tough love and I really think this is the best way. If you have any advice on bringing up a baby bird or even a toddler who was a slow walker I could really use your advice. Thanks.

Wasting Time.
Category: Comedy
Tags: Wasting Time.
    I came to an opening and I thought this is the spot. The spot where time stops. It wasn't just in there time was out here and I knew it would do the damnedest thing if I didn't stop it. I reached into the hole and I pulled out time. Time was all twisted and rapped around me. It was a twisted time I spent getting time from its hole but I did it. I did. I wasn't dam slow old father time won't bother me no. I looked into the hole deeper and I seen it was true little old lady who lived in a shoe wasn't there. She must of been out but father time was home without a dam doubt. I thought look who I caught its old man freaking time. That goddamn old bastard won't do it no more. Do What? Make us old. He's caught yes dam true I have stopped all time in the whole freaking world.
    Then I thought if he gets away there's no way in hell I'm living this down. Man no way. Cause that son of a bitch is so freaking old. Older than time as the story does go. I locked him up tighter than a dam drum and I won't let him go because I'm not freaking dumb. He's slower than slow he's older than old and I caught his old ass I am unfreaking bull. Today I told time your all done. My piece is a gun your piece is a clock and either one can make your heart stop. I love the part where I am so freaking smart to have stopped time. That damn freaking fool. I kicked his old ass I'm the coolest of cool.
    Time said to me "let my ass go "and I demanded of time to stop the time now! He said he would stop it but he didn't man no. Time wouldn't stop his own clock freaking so. So I stopped times clock myself freaking true and old clock that is stopped is no good you dumb fool. So I threw him and not gently hard freaking too. I stopped freaking times clock. I did it yes true. He's deader than dead. He's so freaking slow and the only dam way I'm gonna grow old is if time starts again, but it won't. The time for time has past. What was his point of timing all us? Now I'm timing that fool to see how long it takes him to die.

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