
Time Warp Parody

Lets look to tomorrow and tomorrow we'll look to today. When where all done looking we'll wonder what day was which cause looking to another day from another day I'm pretty sure can cause those days to switch and switching days is serious business. It can cause a time warp parody when you do so be careful. However if you do cause a time warp parody there is only one way to stop it. You need a ouija board a watch and the gumption to do this. What you do is stand on your head and have some body place the ouija board on your feet and time yourself while communicating with the dead. If you have at least a three hour conversation with a dead person they can tell you how to stop it. Got to be at least three hours as it is a lot of information. You must also be alone during the conversation. Like I said its a lot of information so you need to take notes. If you fall off your head during the conversation you have to recontact the spirit. It can not be another spirit must be the very same spirit.

The Rupublic of Flubber
Category: Comedy

We the people of the Republic of Flubber pledge to ourselves and our people to not get any fatter.

    Also to the people of the Republic of Flubber: I pledge to cut all fat from all your diets. Now if you eat the fat that I cut the fat will then be cut from you. I'm not kidding.
Some People

Man some people think I'm Super Man. They expect me to leap tall buildings and all that jazz. Sorry its me no super powers and at best average athletic skills. Man you better call somebody else. I know you needed me today but I am not gonna make a fool of myself trying to win this thing. I know people have told you I'm good and I am but not that good. Yes I'm afraid to say I do not live up to the hype. Sorry but its a disappointment even I have to live with.


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