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Saint Dracula

SAINT DRACULA is an upcoming 3D movie by Rupesh Paul. Rupesh is a journalist-turned-writer who entered the film industry with My Mother's Laptop. He is also the founder and President of Cinema Verite, an alternative movie production company. This film uses I max 3D fusion digital technology, which was seen in the movie Avatar. It was Bram Stocker who immortalised Christopher Lee in the original Dracula film. Rupesh's new version has an international cast of actors with Mitch Powell, a British actor playing the lead in Saint Dracula 3D. Brazilian star Patricia Duvart will essay the female role in the movie and the locations chosen are mainly in England with Wales, Liverpool and Cheshire with its beautiful backdrops hoping to enhance the mood of the film. Rupesh explains his motives for making the film Dracula has often been portrayed as an epitome of malevolence, spite and savagery with bloodthirsty instincts. The Dracula in Saint Dracula, as the name suggests, is somebody loved by the women of his land who worship him. The tragic film unveils the story of Dracula sacrificing his immortality for the woman he loves and hopes to marry. A modern day vein has also been penciled in with the FBI playing a part in the investigations on screen. A French man Francua Koppagun will wield the camera and Sreevalsan J. Menon will score the music. The scheduled date of release is December and will be screened at the America Film Market in California as a preview show in November.
Added by Bling King on Thursday, March 8, 2012
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