
Bling King Videos

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Au Poil! English Subtitles by aupoil.lefilm

"Au Poil!" The movie. ESMA - Toulouse - 2011. DIRECTED BY : Julie Duverneuil and Nicolas Perraguin. VOICES CASTING: Franck Zerbib Stephane Gourdon Bernadette Rignac Corinne Lecomte MUSIC: Frederic Varot Mixed by: Studio des Aviateurs : José Vicente and Yoann Poncet. Thanks to "Le chant du monde" for the song "L'internationnale". With the Help of Paul Jules Alchié, Boris Laprade and Fabien Masson. Contact: [email protected] [email protected] aupoil-lefilm.com Feel free to share the video!
Added by Bling King on Friday, March 23, 2012
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