
Bling King Videos

Views: 257

Everything is a Remix Part 4

Our system of law doesn't acknowledge the derivative nature of creativity. Instead, ideas are regarded as property, as unique and original lots with distinct boundaries. But ideas aren't so tidy. They're layered, they’re interwoven, they're tangled. And when the system conflicts with the reality... the system starts to fail. If you've enjoyed this series, please support my next project, This is Not a Conspiracy Theory, on KickStarter. kickstarter.com/projects/kirby/this-is-not-a-conspiracy-theory If you are unable to use KickStarter, PayPal donations are also welcome. everythingisaremix.info/donate/ Buy music from this episode here: everythingisaremix.info/p4_soundtrack/ Thank you to iStockphoto istockphoto.com/ If you notice any errors in this video, I would appreciate if you could leave a comment below. I strongly recommend clicking the HD button.
Added by Bling King on Monday, March 26, 2012
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