
Bling King Videos

Views: 1014

How Von Wong lights a man on fire in the sake of art!

Here is the first episode of a creative photoshoot (involving fire stunts) by the very talented Von Wong. I had the chance to be part of this very unique experience. Here is a short BTS video, hope you enjoy it. Also watch -The Stuntman-, the second episode of this fire photoshoot, involving reknown montreal based stuntman: Felix Famelart. vimeo.com/34364427 Photographer: Benjamin Von Wong Video: Erwan Cloarec Stuntman: Jo Gorsky 2nd Camera: Shiloh Sheray 3rd Camera: Pakdi Decnud BTS photographer: Monique Guilbault facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.339239499426547.101574.100000214982840&type=3 Assistants: Nadia Zheng Sylvia da Costa
Added by Bling King on Friday, March 23, 2012
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