
Bling King Videos

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**"A SHADOW OF BLUE" IS ON ITS FESTIVAL RUN! (wish us luck!)** SO, FOR A WHILE I CAN ONLY SHOW IT PASSWORD-PROTECTED AT THIS LINK: ashadowofblue.com ----------------------------------------------------------------- A touching story in which fantasy and reality merge to make dreams come true. How determining can reality be, and how can fantasy unleash an unexpected freedom? Can a fragile world of lights and shadows show us more than a silhouette drawn against the sunlight? A mixed-technique animated short film, by Director Carlos Lascano Some insights about the Backstage: carloslascano.com/carloslascano/asob_making.html Backstage: vimeo.com/24613278 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Written and Directed by Carlos Lascano Producers: Carlos Lascano, Alexandre Charlet, Jonathan Hazan, Paula Lema / Music Composed by: Alex Conrado / Sound Design: Mark Vogelsang - Paul Wardlaw / Final Sound Mix - François Loubeyre / Digital Color Grading: Jan Černý / 3D Animation Department - Eallin Motion Art Lead Modeling and Lighting Artist: Libor Batěk /Additional Lighting: Jakub Sporek / Modeling and Render Team: Martin Hanschild, Josef Kasal, Martin Ličko / Lead 3D Animator: Ondřej Přidal / 3D Animators: Renata Stránská, Dmitry Medinsky, Pavel Šiška / Design of Puppets and Scale Models: Carlos Lascano & Carlos S. Moya. A co-production: Les Films du Cygne and DreamLife Studio in Association with Eallin Motion Art. / Line Producer: Paula Lema. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Festivals: . 1rst Festival « Ciné Poème » of Bezons (France, March 2012) . Short Film Festival of Vélizy-Villacoublay (France, March 2012) . FEC Festival - XIV European Short Film Festival (Spain, March 2012) . 16th Sofia International Film Festival (Bulgaria, March 2012) . 20th French Film Festival, Richmond, Virginia (USA, March 2012) . Be There ! Corfu Animation Festival (Greece, April 2012) . 14th Mecal International Short Film Festival (Espagne, April 2012) . 6th Festival « Trois jours trop courts » of Castres (France, April 2012) . 14th Short Shorts Film Festival of Tokyo (Japon, June 2012) Special Program : . 9th French Cinema Panorama in China organized by Unifrance (China, April 2012)
Added by Bling King on Friday, March 23, 2012
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