
Bling King Videos

Views: 670

Button Sound Effects Tutorial Audible HTML5 JavaScript Menu Systems

Lesson Code: http://www.developphp.com/video/JavaS... In this tutorial we will demonstrate how to make an audible HTML5 menu system using JavaScript driven html5 sound objects. For creating elements that play sound when they are interacted with on the page. You can find and download tons of free bleep and click sounds for your audible menu systems by doing a little searching on the web right now. Try your best to find a very short length sound file. MP3 files that are short beeps or fast clicks are best for button sounds. Once you get some cool button sound effects downloaded, you are ready to begin this simple lesson. We also have a tutorial on file that shows how to create your very own custom button sounds in FruityLoops: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CgFGJR... Category Education
Category Documentaries
Added by Bling King on Friday, June 21, 2019
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