The hands and feet are often overlooked in skin care, as the focus is usually on the face, legs and arms. To combat dry foot skin, put moisturizer on them on a regular basis. Also, prior to going to bed, put on cotton socks to lock the moisturizer in. Hands respond well to a strong Almaviva Cream moisturizer that can be worn underneath cotton gloves for a couple of hours. After using the treatment once, the results will be noticeable. Protecting your lips is important. It is possible to purchase lip balms that contain UV protection. Lips are highly sensitive, so you need to make sure to keep them safe from harmful rays. Today a little less than half of the population is aware of the need to use a lip balm containing UV protection. Sadly, this leaves more than half of the populace without UV protection for their lips. Rosacea affects 14 million people around the U.S. today. Sonic skincare brushes are a great treatment for the redness. This can be quite helpful for people that are suffering from this. If you're starting to see wrinkles and other indicators of age on your skin, consult a dermatologist to get a prescription for anti-aging cream.
