Radiant Swift Keto The ideal composition of water, similar in structure to the liquid inside a living organism. Such water freely penetrates the cell membranes and improves metabolism. It is these magical properties that melt, or in another way, structured water has. metabolism harmonization; rejuvenation of the whole body; improvement of the work of all organs and systems; lowering blood cholesterol; elimination of nervousness and fatigue; brain impulse activity; decreased appetite, and as a result, weight. Close attention to dietitians' meltwater is explained by the fact that it has the properties of reducing appetite. In dietetics, melt water for weight loss is used very successfully. Penetrating into the cell, melt water molecules break down unnecessary substances faster and remove them from the body. Also, it does not have in its composition hard salts that adversely affect a person. It gives vigor, enhances human energy. As a result of this, the feeling of hunger is reduced and the body in this case requires less sleep and food, respectively, weight decreases and overall mood improves. Such a benefit of melt water for our body is already an occasion for its daily use! This can be done at home, and most importantly - it does not take away any extra money or time. Having collected in a three-liter jar of water by 85%, let it stand. It is good if this water will stand in the sun for 5-6 hours. Then, pouring into wide-necked plastic containers, send water to the freezer. After about the water should freeze. But it will not freeze completely, and there will be a small amount of liquid inside the ice block. This is the very “bad” water with harmful substances such as bleach. The upper edge of the ice, which is called delirium, must be pierced and the internal "bad" liquid drained into the sink. Put the ice in a suitable container, let it melt and drink it to your health! Preparing melt water, although not difficult, but still requires knowledge of certain nuances. 
