slimfast keto The hourly SMIC was 13 francs in 1980 (2.09 euros exactly). It is now 9.88 euros. This represents only a 4.7 fold increase. [5] The rise in wages was much lower than the rise in prices. 2012: the price of potatoes explodes by 81.3% The erosion of purchasing power has been slow, sometimes rapid. In a single year (2012), the price of potatoes exploded by 81.3%. [6] Of course, we have never seen such a general rise in wages. The phenomenon is worse with housing. You had, in my youth, houses for 30,000 francs (4500 euros). Yes, houses. If one of the parents was working (usually the father), there was no problem in finding accommodation more or less correctly. The notion of "F1, F2, F3" did not exist.

